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that week

  • 1 that week

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > that week

  • 2 that

    I [ðætˌ ðət] prn
    1) (указательное местоимение) тот, та, то, это
    - that year
    - that week
    - that month
    - by that time
    - that is true
    - that's why
    - that'll do
    2) (относительное местоимение) который, кто; тот, который
    - book that you gave me
    - year that he died
    - all the books that...
    - everything that...
    3) (заместитель существительных); that is то есть (сокращённо i. e.)

    They paid all the bills including those for heating. — Они оплатили все счета, в том числе счета за отопление.

    Her face is like that of her mother. — Ее лицо похоже на лицо ее матери.

    (1.) При телефонном разговоре местоимения this и that выбираются в соответствии с тем, к кому они относятся - к говорящему или к собеседнику на другом конце провода: Is that Mr. Smith? Yes, this is me. Is that the Metropole Hotel? Yes, this is the Metropole Hotel. /No, this is the Central Hotel. (2.) That может заменять целую ситуацию относительно уже законченных действий: Is that right? That's right. Это правильно? Это так верно. Let him do that. Пусть он это сделает. Stop that noise. Прекратите этот шум; That was nice. Это было замечательно. Who said that? Кто это сказал? (3.) Указательное местоимение that часто употребляется для перехода к другой теме и введения новой информации: That you don't like him has nothing to do with it. То, что он тебе не нравится, не имеет к этому никакого отношения. (4.) Относительное местоимение that часто используется вместо who. That употребляется чаще с any, only и с превосходной степенью прилагательных: He is the only man that can help you. он единственный, кто может тебе помочь. Any person that has the money can join the club. Все, у кого емть деньги, могут вступить в клуб. She is the dearest girl that I have ever known. Она самый мтлый человек, каких я когда-либо знала. (5.) See afternoon, n
    II [ðætˌ ðət] cj
    что, чтобы, кто, который; тот, который

    He is rge man that asked about you. — Это тот человек, который спрашивал о тебе.

    - it was so dark that...
    (1.) В сложноподчиненном предложении союз that обычно опускается, если он одновременно не выполняет функции подлежащего в придаточном предложении: He said (that) he was busy. cp., Did you see the letter that came today? (где that не может быть опущено). (2.) Союз that обычно вводит придаточное предложение: (а.) вконструкциях типа it is strange (true, etc) that...; (б) в конструкциях с прилагательными типа afraid, angry, anxious, aware, certain, confident, conscious, convenient, disappointed, glad, happy, pleased, positive, proud, relieved, sad, sorry, sure, surprised, unaware, upset, worried: It is (How) sad that he'll never learn about our success. Как грустно/печально, что он никогда не узнает о нашем успехе.; (в) в конструкциях с существительными, обозначающими суждения, чувства, верования, мнения и т. п.: admission, advice, agreement, announcement, argument, assertion, assumption, belief, decision, expectation, feeling, hope, idea, impression, information, news, promise, report, rule, rumour, saying, sense, statement, thought, threat, view, warning: It is my belief that nothing will ever ruin theirhappiness. Я верю в то, что мх счастье никогда не будет нарушено.; (г) в конструкции the fact (that): The fact is that my father is against my going abroad. Лело в том, что мой отец против моего отъезда за границу

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > that

  • 3 that

    ce1 (a), 2 (a) cela1 (a) ça1 (a) celui-là1 (b) celui1 (c) ce…-là2 (b) si3 (a), 3 (b) qui4 (a) que4 (b), 5 (a) lequel4 (c) 4 (d)
    (pl those [ðəʊz])
    (a) (thing indicated → subject) ce, cela, ça; (→ object) cela, ça;
    give me that donnez-moi ça;
    after/before that après/avant cela;
    what's that? qu'est-ce que c'est que ça?;
    who's that? (gen) qui est-ce?; (on phone) qui est à l'appareil?;
    what's that (that) you're holding? qu'est-ce que tu as dans la main?;
    that's Mr Thomas c'est M. Thomas;
    is that you, Susan? c'est toi, Susan?;
    is that all you've got to eat? c'est tout ce que vous avez à manger?;
    what did she mean by that? qu'est-ce qu'elle voulait dire par là?;
    those are my things ce sont mes affaires;
    those are my orders voilà mes ordres;
    those are my parents voilà mes parents;
    that is what he told me c'est ou voilà ce qu'il m'a dit;
    that is where I live c'est là que j'habite;
    that was three months ago il y a trois mois de cela;
    that's strange c'est bizarre;
    I've only got one coat and that's old je n'ai qu'un manteau et encore, il est vieux;
    so THAT'S how it works! c'est donc comme ça que ça marche!;
    so THAT'S settled bon, ça c'est réglé ou voilà qui est réglé;
    that's as may be peut-être bien;
    familiar it's not as hot as (all) that! il ne fait pas si chaud que ça!;
    so it's come to that voilà donc où nous en sommes (arrivés);
    if it comes to that, you can always leave si ça en arrive là, vous pouvez toujours partir;
    that's a good boy! en voilà un gentil petit garçon!;
    that's all c'est tout, voilà tout;
    that's all we need! il ne manquait plus que ça!;
    that's enough (of that)! ça suffit!;
    that's it! (finished) c'est fini!; (correct) c'est ça!;
    that's it for today! ce sera tout pour aujourd'hui!;
    that's it! you've got it! c'est ça! tu as trouvé!;
    that's life! c'est la vie!;
    that's more like it! voilà qui est déjà mieux!;
    well, that's that! eh bien voilà!;
    I said "no" and that's that! j'ai dit "non", un point c'est tout!;
    that's the government all over or for you! c'est bien l'administration ça!;
    is she intelligent? - that she is! elle est intelligente? - ça oui ou pour sûr!;
    familiar good stuff, that! ah c'est bon ça!
    (b) (in contrast to "this") celui-là (celle-là) m,f;
    those ceux-là (celles-là) mpl, fpl;
    this is an ash, that is an oak ceci est un frêne et ça, c'est un chêne;
    which book do you prefer, this or that? quel livre préférez-vous, celui-ci ou celui-là?;
    I'd like some flowers, but not those! j'aimerais des fleurs, mais pas celles-là!
    those ceux (celles) mpl, fpl;
    there are those who believe that… il y a des gens qui croient que…;
    I'm not one of those who… je ne suis pas du genre à ou de ceux qui…;
    a sound like that of a baby crying un bruit comme celui que fait un bébé qui pleure;
    the symptoms sound like those of malaria les symptômes ressemblent à ceux du paludisme;
    he spoke with those concerned il a parlé à ceux qui sont concernés;
    all those interested should contact the club secretary tous ceux qui sont intéressés doivent contacter le secrétaire du club
    (a) (the one indicated) ce (cette);
    those ces;
    that man cet homme;
    those questions ces questions;
    at that moment à ce moment-là;
    it was raining that day il pleuvait ce jour-là;
    in those days en ce temps-là, à cette époque;
    we all agree on that point nous sommes tous d'accord là-dessus;
    did you hear about that terrible accident on the motorway? as-tu entendu parler de ce terrible accident sur l'autoroute?;
    do you remember that play we saw last year? tu te rappelles cette pièce que nous avons vue l'année dernière?;
    how about that drink you offered me? et ce verre que vous m'avez proposé?;
    I like that idea of his j'aime son idée;
    how's that son of yours? comment va ton fils?;
    pejorative if I get hold of that son of yours! si je mets la main sur ton sacré fils!;
    that fool of a gardener cet imbécile de jardinier;
    they rode off into the sunset, it was that kind of film ils se sont éloignés vers le soleil couchant, c'était ce genre de film, tu vois?
    (b) (in contrast to "this") ce…-là (cette…-là);
    those ces…-là;
    that house over there is for sale cette ou la maison là-bas est à vendre;
    that one celui-là (celle-là) m,f;
    choose between this restaurant and that one choisissez entre ce restaurant et l'autre;
    familiar that there table cette table-là
    3 adverb [ðæt]
    (a) (so) si, aussi;
    can you run that fast? pouvez-vous courir aussi vite que ça?;
    he's not (all) that good-looking il n'est pas si beau que ça;
    there's a pile of papers on my desk that high! il y a une pile de papiers haute comme ça sur mon bureau!;
    I don't go there that often (not much) je n'y vais pas très souvent;
    I don't go there THAT often je n'y vais pas aussi souvent que ça
    (b) familiar (with result clause) si, tellement ;
    he was that weak he couldn't stand il était tellement affaibli qu'il ne tenait plus debout;
    I could have cried, I was that angry j'en aurais pleuré tellement j'étais en colère
    4 relative pronoun [ðət]
    ⓘ GRAM On peut omettre le pronom relatif that sauf s'il est en position sujet.
    the conclusions that emerge from this les conclusions qui en ressortent;
    nothing that matters rien d'important
    the house that Miles built la maison que Miles a construite;
    is this the best that you can do? est-ce que c'est ce que vous pouvez faire de mieux?;
    fool that I am, I agreed imbécile que je suis, j'ai accepté;
    pessimist/optimist that he is pessimiste/optimiste comme il est
    (c) (object of preposition) lequel (laquelle) m,f;
    the box that I put it in/on le carton dans lequel/sur lequel je l'ai mis;
    the songs that I was thinking of or about les chansons auxquelles je pensais;
    the woman/the film that we're talking about la femme/le film dont nous parlons;
    not that I know of pas que je sache
    (d) (when) où;
    the week that he was sick la semaine où il était malade;
    during the months that we were in Chicago pendant les mois que nous avons passés ou où nous étions à Chicago
    5 conjunction [ðət]
    ⓘ GRAM Sauf dans la langue soutenue, la conjonction that est souvent omise.
    (a) (gen) que;
    I said that I had read it j'ai dit que je l'avais lu;
    it's natural that you should be nervous c'est normal que vous soyez nerveux;
    it's not that she isn't friendly ce n'est pas qu'elle ne soit pas amicale;
    I'll see to it that everything is ready je veillerai à ce que tout soit prêt;
    it was so dark that I could barely see il faisait si noir que je voyais à peine;
    formal that he is capable has already been proven il a déjà prouvé qu'il était capable;
    formal that I should live to see the day when… (expressing incredulity) je n'aurais jamais cru qu'un jour…;
    formal oh, that it were possible! si seulement c'était possible!
    (b) archaic or literary (in order that) afin que, pour que;
    he died that we might live il est mort pour que nous puissions vivre
    familiar (and so on) et tout le bastringue;
    it was a very posh do, waiters in white gloves and (all) that c'était très classe, avec des serveurs en gants blancs et tout le bastringue;
    she went on about friendship and (all) that elle parlait d'amitié et tout ce qui s'ensuit
    (a) (what's more) en plus;
    it's a forgery and a pretty poor one at that c'est une copie et une mauvaise en plus
    perhaps we're not so badly off at that en fait, on n'est peut-être pas tellement à plaindre;
    it might be worth trying at that ça vaudrait peut-être le coup
    (c) (then) à ce moment-là;
    at that, he paused à ce moment-là, il a marqué un temps d'arrêt
    she's like that, she never says thank you elle est comme ça, elle ne dit jamais merci;
    don't be like that ne soyez pas comme ça
    (b) (close, intimate) comme les deux doigts de la main;
    the two of them are like that ils sont comme les deux doigts de la main;
    he's like that with the boss il est au mieux avec le patron
    (in that way) comme ça;
    stop looking at me like that! arrête de me regarder comme ça!
    if he refuses, not that he will, is there an alternative? s'il refuse, même si cela est peu probable, est-ce qu'il y a une autre solution?;
    he's already left, not that it matters il est déjà parti, encore que ce soit sans importance
    I'll do anything, that's to say anything legal je ferais n'importe quoi, enfin du moment que c'est légal;
    I work at the hospital, as a receptionist that is, not as a nurse je travaille à l'hôpital, enfin à la réception, pas comme infirmière;
    I'd like to ask you something, that is, if you've got a minute j'aimerais vous poser une question, enfin, si vous avez un instant
    (a) (in that manner) de cette façon;
    what makes him act that way? qu'est-ce qui le pousse à agir comme ça?;
    that way you'll only make things worse de cette façon, tu ne feras qu'empirer les choses
    she's funny that way c'est son côté bizarre;
    I didn't know he was that way inclined je ne connaissais pas ce côté-là de lui
    with that, she left sur ce ou là-dessus, elle est partie

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > that

  • 4 week

    Woche, die

    what day of the week is it today? — was für ein Wochentag ist heute?

    he was away for a weeker war [für] eine Woche weg

    I haven't seen you for weeksich habe dich seit Wochen nicht gesehen

    three times a weekdreimal die od. in der Woche

    £40 a or per week — 40 Pfund die od. in der od. pro Woche

    a week's leave/rest — eine Woche Urlaub/Pause

    once a week, every week — einmal die Woche od. in der Woche; einmal wöchentlich

    in a week['s time] — in einer Woche

    in two weeks[' time] — in zwei Wochen; in vierzehn Tagen

    take a week's holiday — [sich (Dat.)] eine Woche Urlaub nehmen

    from week to week, week by week — Woche für od. um Woche

    a six-week[s]-old baby — ein sechs Wochen altes od. sechswöchiges Baby

    a week [from] today/from or on Monday, today/Monday week — heute/Montag in einer Woche

    a week ago today/Sunday — heute/Sonntag vor einer Woche

    in or during the week — während der Woche

    42-hour/five-day week — 42-Stunden-Woche, die/Fünftagewoche, die

    * * *
    [wi:k] 1. noun
    1) (any sequence of seven days, especially from Sunday to Saturday: It's three weeks since I saw her.) die Woche
    2) (the five days from Monday to Friday inclusive: He can't go during the week, but he'll go on Saturday or Sunday.) die Woche
    3) (the amount of time spent working during a period of seven days: He works a forty-eight-hour week.) die Woche
    - academic.ru/81603/weekly">weekly
    2. adverb
    (once a week: The newspaper is published weekly.) wöchentlich
    3. noun
    (a publication coming out once a week: Is this newspaper a weekly or a daily?) Wochen..
    - weekday
    - weekend
    - a week last Friday
    - a week today
    - tomorrow
    - on/next Friday
    - Friday
    * * *
    1. (seven days) Woche f
    it'll be \weeks before the damage is cleared up es wird Wochen dauern, bis die Schäden beseitigt sind
    I saw him only the other \week ich habe ihn gerade vor ein paar Wochen gesehen
    this time next \week nächste Woche um diese Zeit
    a \week last Friday Freitag vor einer Woche
    a \week ago yesterday gestern vor einer Woche
    a \week [on]...... in einer Woche
    our holiday starts a \week [on] Saturday unsere Ferien beginnen Samstag in einer Woche
    for \weeks [on end] wochenlang
    a few \weeks ago vor einigen Wochen
    last \week letzte Woche
    once/twice a \week einmal/zweimal die Woche
    [for] a \week or two ein bis zwei Wochen [lang]
    \week by \week [or from \week to \week] von Woche zu Woche
    \week in, \week out [or \week after \week] Woche für Woche
    2. (work period) [Arbeits]woche f
    a thirty-seven-and-a-half-hour \week eine 37,5-Stunden-Woche
    to work a five-day/35-hour \week eine 5-Tage-/35-Stunden-Woche haben
    during the \week während [o SÜDD, SCHWEIZ, ÖSTERR unter] der Woche
    * * *
    Woche f

    week in, week out — Woche für Woche

    twice/£15 a week — zweimal/£ 15 in der Woche or pro Woche or die Woche (inf)

    a week today, today or this day week ( Brit dial )heute in einer Woche or in acht Tagen

    a week tomorrow/on Tuesday, tomorrow/Tuesday week (esp Brit) — morgen/Dienstag in einer Woche or in acht Tagen

    or vacation (US) — ein einwöchiger/zweiwöchiger Urlaub

    he works a 40-hour weeker hat eine Vierzigstundenwoche or 40-Stundenwoche

    * * *
    week [wiːk] s Woche f:
    a week, per week wöchentlich, die Woche;
    after weeks of speculation nach wochenlangen Spekulationen;
    week by week Woche für Woche;
    by the week wochenweise;
    for weeks wochenlang;
    week in, week out Woche für Woche;
    today week, this day week
    a) heute in acht Tagen,
    b) heute vor acht Tagen;
    a) Montag in acht Tagen,
    b) Montag vor acht Tagen;
    three-week dreiwöchig; Great Week
    wk abk
    1. week Wo.
    2. work
    * * *
    Woche, die

    he was away for a week — er war [für] eine Woche weg

    three times a weekdreimal die od. in der Woche

    £40 a or per week — 40 Pfund die od. in der od. pro Woche

    a week's leave/rest — eine Woche Urlaub/Pause

    for several weeks — mehrere Wochen lang; wochenlang

    once a week, every week — einmal die Woche od. in der Woche; einmal wöchentlich

    in a week['s time] — in einer Woche

    in two weeks[' time] — in zwei Wochen; in vierzehn Tagen

    take a week's holiday — [sich (Dat.)] eine Woche Urlaub nehmen

    from week to week, week by week — Woche für od. um Woche

    a six-week[s]-old baby — ein sechs Wochen altes od. sechswöchiges Baby

    a week [from] today/from or on Monday, today/Monday week — heute/Montag in einer Woche

    a week ago today/Sunday — heute/Sonntag vor einer Woche

    in or during the week — während der Woche

    42-hour/five-day week — 42-Stunden-Woche, die/Fünftagewoche, die

    * * *
    Woche -n f.

    English-german dictionary > week

  • 5 week


    She is paid by the week. — Ей платят каждую неделю.

    They came here for a week. — Они приехали сюда на неделю.

    They'll be here in a week. — Они здесь будут через неделю.

    - once a week
    - weekdays
    - week from today
    - by the week
    - during the week
    - in a week
    - spend a week somewhere
    (1.) В сочетаниях существительного week co словами all, any, each, every, last, next, one, this, that ни предлог, ни артикль не употребляются: this (next) week на этой (следующей) неделе. (2.) Для указания временного интервала по отношению к будущему употребляется next week на следующей неделе; по отношению к прошлому (в рассказе о прошлом) - the next week, the following week, a week later. (3.) See today, n (4.) See afternoon, n (5.) See minute, n

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > week

  • 6 that

    [English Word] that
    [Swahili Word] kwamba
    [Part of Speech] conjunction
    [English Example] be sure that the cutting gets as close as possible to the origin of the branch axil [How to Prune Trees, US Dept. of Agriculture]
    [Swahili Example] hakikisha kwamba mkato unakuwa karibu sana iwezekanavyo na shina kwenye mhimili wa tawi [ http://www.na.fs.fed.us/spfo/pubs/howtos/ht_pruneswahili/4mikato.htm Jinsi ya Kupogoa Miti, US Dept. of Agriculture]
    [English Word] that
    [Swahili Word] kuwa
    [Part of Speech] conjunction
    [English Example] Bahati already felt that Idi was angry
    [Swahili Example] Bahati alikwisha hisi kuwa Idi alikasirika [Sul]
    [English Word] that
    [Swahili Word] kama
    [Part of Speech] conjunction
    [English Example] we have seen that he went away
    [Swahili Example] tumeona kama aliondoka [Rec]
    [English Word] that (person or animal)
    [Swahili Word] yule
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Example] that child and those parents
    [Swahili Example] mtoto yule na wazazi wale
    [Note] class 1
    [English Word] that
    [Swahili Word] ule
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Example] that city
    [Swahili Example] mji ule
    [Note] class 3, 11, 14
    [English Word] that
    [Swahili Word] lile
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Example] that orange and those mangoes
    [Swahili Example] chungwa lile na maembe yale
    [Note] class 5
    [English Word] that
    [Swahili Word] yale
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Example] that milk
    [Swahili Example] maziwa yale
    [Note] class 6
    [English Word] that
    [Swahili Word] kile
    [Part of Speech] pronoun
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -le
    [English Example] that onion and those potatoes
    [Swahili Example] kitunguu kile na viazi vile
    [Note] class 7
    [English Word] that
    [Swahili Word] ile
    [Part of Speech] pronoun
    [English Example] that news
    [Swahili Example] habari ile
    [Note] class 9
    [English Word] that
    [Swahili Word] pale
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Example] at that school over there
    [Swahili Example] pale shuleni
    [Note] class 16
    [English Word] that
    [Swahili Word] kule
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Example] in that country; that act of explaining
    [Swahili Example] kule nchini; kueleza kule
    [Note] usually class 17, also (rarely used) class 15
    [English Word] that (place inside)
    [Swahili Word] mle
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Example] inside that pocket
    [Swahili Example] mle mfukoni
    [Note] class 18
    [English Word] that place
    [Swahili Word] ku
    [Part of Speech] verb object
    [English Word] that (person or animal previously mentioned)
    [Swahili Word] huyo
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Example] that carpenter already discussed
    [Swahili Example] seremala huyo
    [Note] class 1
    [English Word] that (previously mentioned)
    [Swahili Word] huo
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Example] that key already discussed
    [Swahili Example] ufunguo huo
    [Note] class 3, 11, 14
    [English Word] that (previously mentioned)
    [Swahili Word] hilo
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Example] that window already discussed
    [Swahili Example] dirisha hilo
    [Note] class 5
    [English Word] that (previously mentioned)
    [Swahili Word] hayo
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Example] that water already discussed
    [Swahili Example] maji hayo
    [Note] class 6
    [English Word] that (previously mentioned)
    [Swahili Word] hicho
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Example] that institute already discussed
    [Swahili Example] chuo hicho
    [Note] class 7
    [English Word] that (previously mentioned)
    [Swahili Word] hiyo
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Example] that day already discussed
    [Swahili Example] siku hiyo
    [Note] class 9
    [English Word] that (previously mentioned)
    [Swahili Word] hapo
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Example] at that store already discussed
    [Swahili Example] hapo dukani
    [Note] class 16
    [English Word] that (previously mentioned)
    [Swahili Word] huko
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Example] in that country already discussed
    [Swahili Example] huko nchini
    [Note] class 17, also (rarely used) class 15
    [English Word] that (previously mentioned)
    [Swahili Word] humo
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Example] in that suitcase already discussed
    [Swahili Example] humo mzigoni
    [Note] class 18
    [English Word] that
    [Swahili Word] amba-
    [Part of Speech] pronoun
    [English Example] Is this the book that you've read?
    [Swahili Example] Hiki ni kitabu ambacho umekisoma?
    [Note] amba + determinative suffix
    [English Word] that
    [Swahili Word] ambao
    [Part of Speech] pronoun
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] amba, o
    [English Example] the mountain that is visible
    [Swahili Example] mlima ambao unaonekana
    [Note] class 3, 11, 14
    [English Word] that
    [Swahili Word] ambayo
    [Part of Speech] pronoun
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] amba, yo
    [English Example] stores that sell milk
    [Swahili Example] maduka ambayo yanauza maziwa
    [Note] class 4, 6, 9
    [English Word] that
    [Swahili Word] ambalo
    [Part of Speech] pronoun
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] amba, lo
    [English Example] the newspaper that I read every day
    [Swahili Example] gazeti ambalo nasoma kila siku
    [Note] class 5
    [English Word] that
    [Swahili Word] ambacho
    [Part of Speech] pronoun
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] amba, cho
    [English Example] the match that lit the fire
    [Swahili Example] kibiriti ambacho kimewasha moto
    [Note] class 7
    [English Word] that
    [Swahili Word] ambavyo
    [Part of Speech] pronoun
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] amba, vyo
    [English Example] the shoes you will wear
    [Swahili Example] viatu ambavyo utavaa
    [Note] class 8
    [English Word] that
    [Swahili Word] ambazo
    [Part of Speech] pronoun
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] amba, zo
    [English Example] dictionaries that have many words
    [Swahili Example] kamusi ambazo zina maneno mengi
    [Note] class 10
    [English Word] that
    [Swahili Word] -o
    [Part of Speech] verb relative
    [Related Words] ambao
    [English Example] the tree that bore fruit
    [Swahili Example] mti uliozaa matunda
    [Note] class 3, 11, 14
    [English Word] that
    [Swahili Word] -yo
    [Part of Speech] verb relative
    [Related Words] ambayo
    [English Example] last week (the week that passed)
    [Swahili Example] wiki iliyopita
    [Note] class 4, 6, 9
    [English Word] that
    [Swahili Word] -lo
    [Part of Speech] verb relative
    [Related Words] ambalo
    [English Example] the car that she drives
    [Swahili Example] gari analoendesha
    [Note] class 5
    [English Word] that
    [Swahili Word] -cho
    [Part of Speech] verb relative
    [Related Words] ambacho
    [English Example] the web link that I will follow
    [Swahili Example] kiungo nitakachofuata kwenye tovuti
    [Note] class 7
    [English Word] that
    [Swahili Word] -vyo
    [Part of Speech] verb relative
    [Related Words] ambavyo
    [English Example] the shoes that he wore
    [Swahili Example] viatu alivyovaa
    [Note] class 8
    [English Word] that
    [Swahili Word] -zo
    [Part of Speech] verb relative
    [Related Words] ambazo
    [English Example] the songs that we sang
    [Swahili Example] nyimbo tulizoimba
    [Note] class 10
    [English Word] in that way
    [Swahili Word] vilevile
    [Part of Speech] adverb
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -le
    [English Word] that is
    [Swahili Word] yaani
    [Part of Speech] conjunction
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [English Example] child, you really have no shame, that is, you threw gravel on my head [darhotwire.com]
    [Swahili Example] mtoto huna adabu kweli,yaani unanitupia vichangarawe juu ya kichwa changu [ http://www.darhotwire.com/dar/Vitimbi/vitimbi2.html darhotwire.com]
    [English Word] that is
    [Swahili Word] maana yake
    [Part of Speech] conjunction
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [English Word] so that
    [Swahili Word] ya kuwa
    [Part of Speech] conjunction
    [English Example] among the words I said so that things would occur
    [Swahili Example] katika maeneo niliyosema yakuwa vitu vitatokea [ http://unabii.org/sw-252pro.htm unabii.org]
    [English Word] in that way
    [Swahili Word] ndivyo
    [Part of Speech] conjunction
    [English Example] if that is the way it is
    [Swahili Example] kama ndivyo
    [English Word] that is it!
    [Swahili Word] ndilo
    [Part of Speech] interjection
    [Related Words] ndiyo, ndivyo
    [English Word] that which does not
    [Swahili Word] si
    [Part of Speech] verb tense

    English-Swahili dictionary > that

  • 7 week

    n неделя (1). В сочетаниях существительного week со словами all, any, each, every, last, next, one, this, that ни предлог, ни артикль не употребляются:

    this (next) week — на этой неделе.

    Русское через неделю соответствует обороту in a week или a week from today. Русское за последние несколько недель соответствует английскому in the last few weeks; в этом выражении обязательно количественное указание времени:

    in the last two (three, few) weeks.

    (2). Для указания временного интервала в прошлом употребляется выражение the next week или the following week, a week later — на следующей неделе, неделю спустя. (3). See today, n. (4). See minute, n.

    English-Russian word troubles > week

  • 8 that

    1. adjective,
    pl. those
    1) dieser/diese/dieses
    2) (expr. strong feeling) der/die/das

    never will I forget that dayden Tag werde ich nie vergessen

    3) (coupled or contrasted with ‘this’) der/die/das [da]
    2. pronoun,
    pl. those
    1) der/die/das

    who is that in the garden? — wer ist das [da] im Garten?

    what bird is that?was für ein Vogel ist das?

    and [all] that — und so weiter

    like that(of the kind or in the way mentioned, of that character) so

    [just] like that — (without effort, thought) einfach so

    don't talk like that — hör auf, so zu reden

    he is like thatso ist er eben

    that is [to say] — (introducing explanation) das heißt; (introducing reservation) das heißt; genauer gesagt

    if they'd have me, that is — das heißt, wenn sie mich nehmen

    that's more like it(of suggestion, news) das hört sich schon besser an; (of action, work) das sieht schon besser aus

    that's right!(expr. approval) gut od. recht so; (iron.) nur so weiter!; (coll.): (expr. assent) jawohl

    that's a good etc. boy/girl — das ist lieb [von dir, mein Junge/Mädchen]; (with request) sei so lieb usw.

    somebody/something is not as... as all that — (coll.) so... ist jemand/etwas nun auch wieder nicht

    [so] that's that — (it's finished) so, das wär's; (it's settled) so ist es nun mal

    you are not going to the party, and that's that! — du gehst nicht zu der Party, und damit Schluss!

    2) (Brit.): (person spoken to)

    who is that? — wer ist da?; (behind wall etc.) wer ist denn da?; (on telephone) wer ist am Apparat?

    3. relative pronoun, pl. same

    the people that you got it fromdie Leute, von denen du es bekommen hast

    the box that you put the apples in — die Kiste, in die du die Äpfel getan hast

    is he the man that you saw last night? — ist das der Mann, den Sie gestern Abend gesehen haben?

    everyone that I know — jeder, den ich kenne

    this is all [the money] that I have — das ist alles [Geld], was ich habe

    4. adverb
    (coll.) so

    he may be daft, but he's not [all] that daft — er mag ja blöd sein, aber so blöd [ist er] auch wieder nicht

    5. relative adverb

    at the speed that he was going — bei der Geschwindigkeit, die er hatte

    the day that I first met her — der Tag, an dem ich sie zum ersten Mal sah

    6. conjunction
    1) (introducing statement; expr. result, reason or cause) dass
    2) (expr. purpose)

    [in order] that — damit

    * * *
    1. [ðæt] plural - those; adjective
    (used to indicate a person, thing etc spoken of before, not close to the speaker, already known to the speaker and listener etc: Don't take this book - take that one; At that time, I was living in Italy; When are you going to return those books?) jene/-r/-s
    2. pronoun
    (used to indicate a thing etc, or (in plural or with the verb be) person or people, spoken of before, not close to the speaker, already known to the speaker and listener etc: What is that you've got in your hand?; Who is that?; That is the Prime Minister; Those present at the concert included the composer and his wife.) der/die/das
    3. [ðət, ðæt] relative pronoun
    (used to refer to a person, thing etc mentioned in a preceding clause in order to distinguish it from others: Where is the parcel that arrived this morning?; Who is the man( that) you were talking to?) der/die/das
    4. [ðət, ðæt] conjunction
    1) ((often omitted) used to report what has been said etc or to introduce other clauses giving facts, reasons, results etc: I know (that) you didn't do it; I was surprised( that) he had gone.) daß
    2) (used to introduce expressions of sorrow, wishes etc: That I should be accused of murder!; Oh, that I were with her now!) daß(doch)
    5. adverb
    (so; to such an extent: I didn't realize she was that ill.) so
    - academic.ru/117188/like_that">like that
    - that's that
    * * *
    1. (person, thing specified) der/die/das
    put \that box down before you drop it stell die Kiste ab, bevor du sie [womöglich] noch fallen lässt
    who is \that girl? wer ist das Mädchen?
    what was \that noise? was war das für ein Geräusch?
    \that old liar! dieser alte Lügner!
    \that... of hers/theirs ihr(e)...
    I've never liked \that uncle of hers ich habe ihren Onkel noch nie gemocht
    \that... of mine/his mein(e)/dein(e)...
    2. (person, thing farther away) der/die/das [... dort [o da]], jene(r, s) geh
    do you know \that girl [over there] kennst du das Mädchen [dort]
    give me \that book, not this one gib mir das Buch [da], nicht dieses
    1. dem (person, thing, action specified) das
    \that's not rightthree times five is fifteen das stimmt nicht — drei mal fünf ist fünfzehn
    they all think \that das denken alle
    \that's more like it! das ist doch schon gleich viel besser!
    \that's a good idea das ist eine gute Idee
    \that's a pity das ist aber schade
    \that's terrible das ist ja furchtbar
    \that will do, \that's enough das reicht
    what's \that you said? was hast du gesagt?
    who's \that? is \that the girl you're looking for? wer ist das? ist das das Mädchen, das du suchst?
    who's \that on the phone? wer spricht da?
    hello, is \that Ben? hallo, bist du das, Ben?
    is \that you making all the noise, John? bist du das, der so einen Lärm macht, John?
    it's just a gimmick — \that said, I'd love to do it das ist nur ein Trick — dennoch würde ich es gerne machen
    take \that! (when hitting sb) [das ist] für dich!
    \that's why deshalb
    2. dem (person, thing farther away) das [da [o dort]]
    I don't want this, give me \that dies hier will ich nicht, gib mir das [da]
    \that's his wife over there das da [o dort] drüben ist seine Frau
    3. dem (indicating time) das
    ah, 1985, \that was a good year ah, 1985, das war ein gutes Jahr
    \that was yesterday \that we talked on the phone, not last week wir haben gestern, nicht letzte Woche telefoniert
    4. dem, after prep
    after/before \that danach/davor
    by \that damit
    what do you mean by \that? was soll das heißen?
    like \that (in such a way) so; (of such a kind) derartig; ( fam: effortlessly) einfach so
    if you hold it like \that, it will break wenn du das so hältst, geht es kaputt
    we need more people like \that wir brauchen mehr solche Leute
    don't talk like \that sprich nicht so
    he can't just leave like \that er kann nicht einfach so verschwinden
    over/under \that darüber/darunter
    with \that damit
    [and] with \that he hung up [und] damit legte er auf
    “I still think you're wrong” he said and with \that he drove off „ich denke immer noch, dass du Unrecht hast“ sagte er und fuhr davon
    5. dem ( form: the one) der/die/das
    his appearance was \that of an undergrown man er sah aus, als ob er zu klein gewachsen wäre
    his handwriting is \that of a child seine Handschrift ist die eines Kindes
    we are often afraid of \that which we cannot understand wir fürchten uns oft vor dem, was wir nicht verstehen
    are you relieved? — [oh yes,]I am \that bist du erleichtert? — das kannst du [aber] laut sagen fam
    well, \that's it, we've finished o.k., das war's [o wär's], wir sind fertig
    \that's it! I'm not putting up with any more of her rudeness jetzt reicht's! ich lasse mir ihre Unverschämtheiten nicht mehr gefallen
    she left the room and \that was \that, I never saw her again sie verließ den Raum und das war's, ich habe sie nie wiedergesehen
    I won't agree to it and \that's \that ich stimme dem nicht zu, und damit Schluss
    \that'll [or \that should] do, \that should be enough das wird reichen
    no thanks, \that'll do [or \that's everything] nein danke, das ist alles
    8. rel (which, who) der/die/das
    \that's the car [\that] John wants to buy das ist das Auto, das John kaufen möchte
    I can't find the books [\that] I got from the library ich finde die Bücher nicht, die ich mir aus der Bibliothek ausgeliehen habe
    the baby smiles at anyone \that smiles at her das Baby lächelt alle an, die es anlächeln
    simpleton \that he is... als Einfaltspinsel, der er ist,...
    9. rel (when) als
    the year \that Anna was born das Jahr, in dem Anna geboren wurde
    and [all] \that ( fam) und so weiter
    at \that noch dazu
    she was a thief and a clever one at \that sie war eine Diebin, und eine kluge noch dazu
    \that is [to say] das heißt
    the hotel is closed during low seasons, \that is from October to March das Hotel ist in der Nebensaison, sprich von Oktober bis März, geschlossen
    this and \that dies und das
    \that was ( form)
    General Dunstaple married Miss Hughes \that was General Dunstaple heiratete die frühere Miss Hughes
    1. (as subject/object) dass
    \that such a thing could happen gave me new hope dass so etwas passieren konnte gab mir neue Hoffnung
    I knew [\that] he'd never get here on time ich wusste, dass er niemals rechtzeitig hier sein würde
    the fact is [\that] we... Fakt ist, dass wir...
    2. after adj, vb (as a result)
    it was so dark [\that] I couldn't see anything es war so dunkel, dass ich nichts sehen konnte
    so [or in order] \that damit
    let's go over the rules again in order \that... gehen wir die Regeln nochmal[s] durch, damit...
    4. after adj (in apposition to ‘it’)
    it's possible [\that] there'll be a vacancy es ist möglich, dass eine Stelle frei wird
    is it true [\that] she's gone back to teaching? stimmt es, dass sie wieder als Lehrerin arbeitet?
    considering [\that]... wenn man bedenkt, dass...
    given \that... vorausgesetzt, dass...
    supposing [\that]... angenommen, dass...
    6. (as a reason) weil, da [ja]
    it's rather \that I'm not well today es ist eher deshalb, weil ich mich heute nicht wohl fühle
    I'd like to go, it's just \that I don't have any time ich würde ja gern hingehen, ich hab' bloß [einfach] keine Zeit fam
    now \that we've bought a house... jetzt, wo wir ein Haus gekauft haben..
    we can't increase our production quantities in \that the machines are presently working to full capacity wir können die Produktion nicht hochfahren, da [nämlich] die Maschinen derzeit voll ausgelastet sind
    not \that it's actually my business, but... nicht, dass es mich etwas anginge, aber...
    except [\that] außer, dass
    his plan sounds perfect except [\that] I don't want to be involved in such a scheme sein Plan hört sich großartig an, nur will ich mit so einem Vorhaben nichts zu tun haben
    to the extent \that (so much that) dermaßen... dass; (insofar as) insofern als
    the situation has worsened to the extend \that we are calling in an independent expert die Situation hat sich dermaßen verschlimmert, dass wir einen unabhängigen Fachmann hinzuziehen
    apes are like people to the extent \that they have some human characteristics Affen sind wie Menschen, insofern als sie gewisse menschliche Eigenschaften haben
    oh \that I were young again! wäre ich doch nochmal jung!
    oh \that they would listen! wenn sie [doch] nur zuhören würden!
    inv so
    she's too young to walk \that far sie ist zu jung, um so weit laufen zu können
    it wasn't [all] \that good so gut war es [nun] auch wieder nicht
    his words hurt me \that much I cried seine Worte haben mich so verletzt, dass ich weinte
    * * *
    I [ðt] (weak form) [ðət]
    1. dem pron pl those
    1) das

    that is Joe ( over there) —

    who is that speaking? — wer spricht (denn) da?; (on phone)

    if she's as unhappy/stupid etc as (all) that — wenn sie so or derart unglücklich/dumm etc ist

    I didn't think she'd get/be as angry as that — ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass sie sich so ärgern würde

    ... and all that —... und so (inf)

    like that — so

    with luck/talent like that... — bei solchem or so einem (inf) Glück/Talent...

    that's got that/him out of the way — so, das wäre geschafft/den wären wir los

    that's what I'm here fordafür bin ich ja hier, das ist meine Aufgabe

    oh well, that's that —

    there, that's that — so, das wärs

    you can't go and that's that — du darfst nicht gehen, und damit hat sichs or und damit basta (inf)

    well, that's that then — das wärs dann also

    will he come? – that he will (dial) — kommt er? – (der?) bestimmt


    (after prep) after/before/below/over that — danach/davor/darunter/darüber

    and... at that — und dabei...

    you can get it in any supermarket and quite cheaply at thatman kann es in jedem Supermarkt, und zwar ganz billig, bekommen

    what do you mean by that? (not understanding) — was wollen Sie damit sagen?; (amazed, annoyed) was soll (denn) das heißen?

    if things have or if it has come to that —

    with that she got up and left/burst into tears — damit stand sie auf und ging/brach sie in Tränen aus

    3) (opposed to "this" and "these") das (da), jenes (old, geh)

    that's the one I like, not this one — das (dort) mag ich, nicht dies (hier)


    (followed by rel pron) this theory is different from that which... — diese Theorie unterscheidet sich von derjenigen, die...

    that which we call... — das, was wir... nennen

    2. dem adj pl those
    1) der/die/das, jene(r, s)

    that child/dog! — dieses Kind/dieser Hund!

    2) (in opposition to this) der/die/das

    I'd like that one, not this one — ich möchte das da, nicht dies hier


    (with poss) that dog of yours! — Ihr Hund, dieser Hund von Ihnen

    what about that plan of yours now? — wie steht es denn jetzt mit Ihrem Plan?, was ist denn nun mit Ihrem Plan?

    3. dem adv (inf)

    it's not that good/cold etc —

    it's not that good a filmSO ein guter Film ist es nun auch wieder nicht

    rel pron
    1) der/die/das, die

    all/nothing/everything etc that... — alles/nichts/alles etc, was...

    the best/cheapest etc that... — das Beste/Billigste etc, das or was...

    the girl that I told you about — das Mädchen, von dem ich Ihnen erzählt habe

    no-one has come that I know of — meines Wissens or soviel ich weiß, ist niemand gekommen


    (with expressions of time) the minute that he came the phone rang — genau in dem Augenblick, als er kam, klingelte das Telefon

    the day that we spent on the beach was one of the hottest — der Tag, den wir am Strand verbrachten, war einer der heißesten

    the day that... — an dem Tag, als...

    1) dass

    he said that it was wrong — er sagte, es sei or wäre (inf) falsch, er sagte, dass es falsch sei or wäre

    not that I want to do it — nicht (etwa), dass ich das tun wollte


    (in exclamations) that things or it should come to this! —

    3) (obs, liter: in order that) auf dass (old)
    * * *
    that1 [ðæt]
    A pron & adj (hinweisend) pl those [ðəʊz]
    1. (ohne pl) das:
    that is true das stimmt;
    that’s all das ist alles;
    that’s it!
    a) so ists recht!,
    b) das ist es ja (gerade)!;
    that’s what it is das ist es ja gerade;
    that’s that umg das wäre erledigt, damit basta;
    well, that was that! umg aus der Traum!;
    that is (to say) das heißt;
    and that und zwar;
    a) trotzdem,
    b) zudem, (noch) obendrein;
    for all that trotz alledem;
    that’s what he told me so hat er es mir erzählt;
    that’s a good boy sei schön brav!; leave1 A 2
    2. (besonders von weiter entfernten Personen etc sowie zur Betonung und pej) jener, jene, jenes:
    this cake is much better than that (one) dieser Kuchen ist viel besser als jener;
    that car over there das Auto da drüben;
    look at that hat schau dir mal diesen komischen Hut an!;
    those who diejenigen, welche;
    that which das, was;
    those were his words das waren seine Worte
    3. solch(er, e, es):
    to that degree that … in solchem Ausmaße oder so sehr, dass …
    B adv umg so (sehr), dermaßen:
    that far so weit;
    that furious so oder dermaßen wütend;
    not all that good so gut auch wieder nicht;
    he can’t be that ill so krank kann er gar nicht sein;
    that much so viel;
    it’s that simple so einfach ist das
    that2 [ðət; ðæt] pl that rel pr
    1. ( in einschränkenden Sätzen; eine präp darf nie davor stehen) der, die, das, welch(er, e, es):
    the book that he wanted das Buch, das er wünschte;
    the man that I spoke of der Mann, von dem ich sprach;
    the day that I met her der Tag, an dem ich sie traf;
    any house that jedes Haus, das;
    no one that keiner, der;
    Mrs Jones, Miss Black that was umg Frau Jones, geborene Black;
    Mrs Quilp that is umg die jetzige Frau Quilp
    2. ( nach all, everything, nothing etc) was:
    all that alles, was;
    the best that das Beste, was
    that3 [ðət; ðæt] konj
    it is a pity that he is not here es ist schade, dass er nicht hier ist;
    it is 5 years that he went away es ist nun 5 Jahre her, dass oder seitdem er fortging;
    I am not sure that it will be there ich bin nicht sicher, ob oder dass es dort ist oder sein wird
    so that sodass;
    I was so tired that I went to bed ich war so müde, dass ich zu Bett ging
    3. (in Finalsätzen) damit, dass:
    we went there that we might see it wir gingen hin, um es zu sehen
    4. (in Kausalsätzen) weil, da (ja), dass:
    not that I have any objection nicht, dass ich etwas dagegen hätte;
    it is rather that … es ist eher deshalb, weil …;
    a) darum, weil,
    b) insofern, als
    o that I could believe it! dass ich es doch glauben könnte!
    now that jetzt, da;
    at the time that I was born zu der Zeit, als ich geboren wurde
    * * *
    1. adjective,
    pl. those
    1) dieser/diese/dieses
    2) (expr. strong feeling) der/die/das
    3) (coupled or contrasted with ‘this’) der/die/das [da]
    2. pronoun,
    pl. those
    1) der/die/das

    who is that in the garden? — wer ist das [da] im Garten?

    and [all] that — und so weiter

    like that(of the kind or in the way mentioned, of that character) so

    [just] like that — (without effort, thought) einfach so

    don't talk like that — hör auf, so zu reden

    that is [to say] — (introducing explanation) das heißt; (introducing reservation) das heißt; genauer gesagt

    if they'd have me, that is — das heißt, wenn sie mich nehmen

    that's more like it(of suggestion, news) das hört sich schon besser an; (of action, work) das sieht schon besser aus

    that's right!(expr. approval) gut od. recht so; (iron.) nur so weiter!; (coll.): (expr. assent) jawohl

    that's a good etc. boy/girl — das ist lieb [von dir, mein Junge/Mädchen]; (with request) sei so lieb usw.

    somebody/something is not as... as all that — (coll.) so... ist jemand/etwas nun auch wieder nicht

    [so] that's that — (it's finished) so, das wär's; (it's settled) so ist es nun mal

    you are not going to the party, and that's that! — du gehst nicht zu der Party, und damit Schluss!

    2) (Brit.): (person spoken to)

    who is that? — wer ist da?; (behind wall etc.) wer ist denn da?; (on telephone) wer ist am Apparat?

    3. relative pronoun, pl. same

    the people that you got it from — die Leute, von denen du es bekommen hast

    the box that you put the apples in — die Kiste, in die du die Äpfel getan hast

    is he the man that you saw last night? — ist das der Mann, den Sie gestern Abend gesehen haben?

    everyone that I know — jeder, den ich kenne

    this is all [the money] that I have — das ist alles [Geld], was ich habe

    4. adverb
    (coll.) so

    he may be daft, but he's not [all] that daft — er mag ja blöd sein, aber so blöd [ist er] auch wieder nicht

    5. relative adverb

    at the speed that he was going — bei der Geschwindigkeit, die er hatte

    the day that I first met her — der Tag, an dem ich sie zum ersten Mal sah

    6. conjunction
    1) (introducing statement; expr. result, reason or cause) dass
    2) (expr. purpose)

    [in order] that — damit

    * * *
    dasjenig pron.
    dies adj. conj.
    dass konj. pron.
    das pron.
    derjenig pron.
    diejenig pron.
    dies pron.
    welch pron.
    welcher pron.
    welches pron.

    English-german dictionary > that

  • 9 week and week about


    The girls were supposed to market week and week about... (R. Kipling, ‘The Light That Failed’, ch. VI) — Предполагалось, что девушки будут ходить на рынок по очереди: неделю одна, неделю другая...

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > week and week about

  • 10 week in, week out

    целыми неделями; неделями подряд

    He was dressed, as he always was, week in and week out, in oil-stained clothing that he wore in the engine-room at the furniture plant... (E. Caldwell, ‘Certain Women’, ‘Anneve’) — На Гровере Вудраффе была, как всегда, забрызганная машинным маслом спецовка, которую он не снимал неделями: он работал механиком на мебельной фабрике...

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > week in, week out

  • 11 that

    [ðæt,ðət] pron
    1) (thing, person over there) das;
    I don't want this - give me \that ich möchte nicht das - gib' mir das;
    \that's not right - three times five is fifteen not sixteen das stimmt nicht - drei Mal fünf ist fünfzehn, nicht sechzehn;
    who's \that? is \that the girl you're looking for? wer ist das? ist das das Mädchen, das du suchst?;
    \that's his wife over there das da drüben ist seine Frau
    \that was yesterday that we talked on the phone, not last week wir haben gestern, nicht letzte Woche telefoniert!;
    ah, 1985, \that was a good year ah, 1985, das war ein gutes Jahr
    who's \that on the phone? wer spricht?;
    hello, is \that Ben? hallo, ist da Ben?;
    is \that you making all the noise, John? machst du so einen Lärm, John?;
    \that was a difficult problem to resolve dieses Problem war schwierig zu lösen;
    \that's a good idea das ist eine gute Idee
    before \that davor;
    after \that danach;
    like \that derartig;
    we need more people like \that wir brauchen mehr derartige Leute;
    don't talk like \that sprich nicht so ( fam);
    he can't just leave like \that er kann nicht einfach so verschwinden
    5) (form: the one)
    his appearance was \that of an undergrown man er sah aus, als ob er zu klein gewachsen wäre;
    his handwriting is like \that of a child seine Handschrift gleicht der eines Kindes;
    we are often afraid of \that which we cannot understand wir fürchten uns oft vor dem, was wir nicht verstehen
    6) ( with an action) das;
    why did you do \that? warum hast du das gemacht?;
    if you hold it like \that, it will break wenn du das so hältst, wird es kaputtgehen;
    \that's more like it das ist doch gleich schon viel besser!;
    you switch the computer on at the back - \that's it schalte den Computer auf der Rückseite an - ja, so;
    \that will do [or \that's enough] das reicht;
    he gave his mom a kiss and with \that drove off to college er küsste seine Mutter und fuhr dann zum College;
    take \that! für dich!
    \that is [to say] das heißt;
    the hotel is closed during low season, \that is from October to March das Hotel ist in der Nebensaison, also von Oktober bis März, geschlossen
    I heard \that! das habe ich gehört!;
    I just said \that because... ich habe das nur gesagt, weil...;
    it's just a gimmick - \that said, I'd love to do it das ist nur ein Trick - dennoch würde ich es gerne machen;
    the garage still isn't finished - \that's builders for you die Garage ist noch immer nicht fertig - typisch Bauarbeiter!;
    \that's why... deshalb;
    \that's terrible das ist ja furchtbar;
    \that's a pity das ist aber schade
    are you relieved? - oh yes, I am \that bist du erleichtert? - das kannst du [aber] laut sagen
    10) (which, who) der/die/das;
    that's the car [\that] John wants to buy das ist das Auto, das John kaufen möchte;
    I can't find the books [\that] I got from the library ich finde die Bücher nicht, die ich mir von der Bibliothek ausgeliehen habe;
    the baby smiles at anyone \that smiles at her das Baby lächelt alle an, die es anlächeln;
    General Dunstaple married Miss Hughes \that was General Dunstaple heiratete die frühere Miss Hughes
    11) ( when) als;
    the year \that Anna was born das Jahr, in dem Anna geboren wurde
    well, \that's it, we've finished o.k., das war's, wir sind fertig;
    \that's it - I'm not putting up with any more of her rudeness jetzt reicht's! - ich lasse mir ihre Unverschämtheit nicht mehr gefallen;
    she left the room and \that was \that, I never saw her again sie verließ den Raum und das war's, ich sah sie nie wieder;
    I won't agree to it and \that's \that ich stimme dem nicht zu, und damit Schluss;
    \that'll do das wird reichen;
    do you need anything else? - no thanks, \that'll do brauchst du sonst noch etwas? - nein danke, das ist alles
    this and \that dies und das;
    at \that noch dazu;
    she was a thief and a clever one at \that sie war eine Diebin, und eine kluge noch dazu;
    and [all] \that ( fam) und so weiter conj
    1) ( as subject/ as object) dass;
    \that such a wonderful thing could happen,... dass etwas so Wunderbares passieren konnte,...;
    I knew [\that] he'd never get here on time ich wusste, dass er niemals rechtzeitig hier sein würde;
    the fact is [\that] we... Fakt ist, dass wir...
    it was so dark [\that] I couldn't see anything es war so dunkel, dass ich nichts sehen konnte
    let's go over the rules again in order \that... gehen wir die Regeln nochmal[s] durch, damit...
    it's possible [\that] there'll be a vacancy es ist möglich, dass eine Stelle frei wird;
    is it true [\that] she's gone back to teaching? stimmt es, dass sie wieder als Lehrerin arbeitet?
    supposing [\that]... angenommen, dass...;
    considering [\that]... wenn man bedenkt, dass...;
    given \that vorausgesetzt, dass
    6) ( as reason) weil, da [ja];
    not \that I have any objection nicht, dass ich etwas dagegenhätte;
    it's rather \that I'm not well today es ist eher deshalb, weil ich mich heute nicht wohl fühle;
    I'd like to go - it's just \that I don't have any time ich würde ja gern hingehen - ich hab' bloß [einfach] keine Zeit;
    now \that we've bought a house jetzt, wo wir ein Haus gekauft haben;
    we can't increase our production quantities in \that the machines are presently working to full capacity wir können die Produktion nicht hochfahren, da [nämlich] die Maschinen derzeit voll ausgelastet sind;
    except [\that] außer, dass;
    his plan sounds perfect except [\that] I don't want to be involved in such a scheme sein Plan hört sich großartig an, nur will ich mit so einem Vorhaben nichts zu tun haben;
    to the extent \that in dem Maße wie;
    apes are like people to the extent \that they have some human characteristics Affen sind wie Menschen, insofern [als] sie gewisse menschliche Eigenschaften haben
    7) ( however)
    where do you get your hair cut? - not \that it really matters wo lässt du dir die Haare schneiden? - nicht, dass es sonderlich wichtig wäre;
    not \that it's actually my business, but... nicht, dass es mich etwas anginge, aber...
    8) (form, liter dated: expressing a wish)
    oh \that I were young again! wäre ich [doch] nochmal jung!;
    oh \that they would listen! wenn sie [doch] nur zuhören würden! adv
    inv so;
    she's too young to walk \that far sie ist zu jung, um so weit laufen zu können;
    it wasn't [all] \that good so gut war es auch wieder nicht;
    it hurt me \that much I cried es hat mich so verletzt, dass ich weinte

    English-German students dictionary > that

  • 12 That Was That Was The Week

    "Ну и неде́лька была́" (одна из наиболее популярных вечерних сатирических программ Би-би-си [ BBC] 60-х гг.)

    English-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) > That Was That Was The Week

  • 13 That's Another Week Shot Up the Arse

    Abbreviation: TAWSUTA

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > That's Another Week Shot Up the Arse

  • 14 that'll last for another week

    das langt noch für eine Woche aus a.

    English-German idiom dictionary > that'll last for another week

  • 15 ben je opgeknapt van die week vakantie?

    ben je opgeknapt van die week vakantie?
    did that week off do you any good?

    Van Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > ben je opgeknapt van die week vakantie?

  • 16 The days of the week

    Note that French uses lower-case letters for the names of days ; also, French speakers normally count the week as starting on Monday.
    Write the names of days in full ; do not abbreviate as in English (Tues, Sat and so on). The French only abbreviate in printed calendars, diaries etc.
    = lundi
    = mardi
    = mercredi
    = jeudi
    = vendredi
    = samedi
    = dimanche
    What day is it?
    (Lundi in this note stands for any day ; they all work the same way ; for more information on dates in FrenchDate.)
    what day is it?
    = quel jour sommes-nous? or (very informally) on est quel jour?
    it is Monday
    = nous sommes lundi
    today is Monday
    = c’est lundi aujourd’hui
    Note the use of French le for regular occurrences, and no article for single ones. (Remember: do not translate on.)
    on Monday
    = lundi
    on Monday, we’re going to the zoo
    = lundi, on va au zoo
    I’ll see you on Monday morning
    = je te verrai lundi matin
    on Mondays
    = le lundi
    on Mondays, we go to the zoo
    = le lundi, on va au zoo
    I see her on Monday mornings
    = je la vois le lundi matin
    Specific days
    Monday afternoon
    = lundi après-midi
    one Monday evening
    = un lundi soir
    that Monday morning
    = ce lundi matin-là
    last Monday night
    = la nuit de lundi dernier or (if evening) lundi dernier dans la soirée
    early on Monday
    = lundi matin de bonne heure
    late on Monday
    = lundi soir tard
    this Monday
    = ce lundi
    that Monday
    = ce lundi-là
    that very Monday
    = précisément ce lundi-là
    last Monday
    = lundi dernier
    next Monday
    = lundi prochain
    the Monday before last
    = l’autre lundi
    a month from Monday
    = dans un mois lundi
    in a month from last Monday
    = dans un mois à dater de lundi dernier
    finish it by Monday
    = termine-le avant lundi
    from Monday on
    = à partir de lundi
    Regular events
    every Monday
    = tous les lundis
    each Monday
    = chaque lundi
    every other Monday
    = un lundi sur deux
    every third Monday
    = un lundi sur trois
    most Mondays
    = presque tous les lundis
    some Mondays
    = certains lundis
    on the second Monday in the month
    = le deuxième lundi de chaque mois
    the odd Monday or the occasional Monday
    = le lundi de temps en temps
    Happening etc. on that day
    Monday’s paper
    = le journal de lundi or de ce lundi
    the Monday papers
    = les journaux du lundi
    Monday flights
    = les vols du lundi
    the Monday flight
    = le vol du lundi
    Monday closing (of shops)
    = la fermeture du lundi
    Monday’s classes
    = les cours de lundi or de ce lundi
    Monday classes
    = les cours du lundi
    Monday trains
    = les trains du lundi

    Big English-French dictionary > The days of the week

  • 17 she told me only last week that …

    she told me only last week that …
    ze vertelde het me vorige week nog dat …

    English-Dutch dictionary > she told me only last week that …

  • 18 de week daarvoor

    de week daarvoor
    the week before (that), the previous week

    Van Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > de week daarvoor

  • 19 er gaat praktisch geen week voorbij of …

    er gaat praktisch geen week voorbij of
    hardly a week goes by when/that …

    Van Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > er gaat praktisch geen week voorbij of …

  • 20 good this week/month

    used to describe instructions to a broker that are valid only for the duration of the week/ month given.
    Abbr. GTW/GTM

    The ultimate business dictionary > good this week/month

См. также в других словарях:

  • that - those — That and those are used in a number of different ways when you are referring to people, things, events, or periods of time. They can both be used as determiners or pronouns. Those is the plural form of that. ◊ referring back You can use that or …   Useful english dictionary

  • That Was Then — was a 2002 ABC television drama program, starring James Bulliard, as Travis Glass, a 30 year old who finds his life in a rut. Still living at home with his mother, played by Bess Armstrong, he works as a door to door salesman. The girl of his… …   Wikipedia

  • week — (wk)    a traditional unit of time equal to seven days3. The custom of the seven day week, with one day set aside for rest and religious observance, goes back more than 3000 years to the ancient civilizations of the Middle East. The seven days… …   Dictionary of units of measurement

  • that — I [[t]ðæ̱t[/t]] DEMONSTRATIVE USES ♦ (Please look at category 20 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.) 1) PRON You use that to refer back to an idea or situation expressed in a previous sentence or… …   English dictionary

  • That Metal Show — Género Talk show, entrevista de televisión Presentado por Eddie Trunk Jim Florentine Don Jamieson País de origen   …   Wikipedia Español

  • That Was The Week That Was — also known as TW3, was a satirical television comedy programme that aired on BBC Television in 1962 and 1963. Devised, produced and directed by Ned Sherrin, the programme was fronted by David Frost and cast members included improvising cartoonis …   Wikipedia

  • That Was the Year That Was — Live album by Tom Lehrer Released 1965 …   Wikipedia

  • week — /week/, n. 1. a period of seven successive days, usually understood as beginning with Sunday and ending with Saturday. 2. a period of seven successive days that begins with or includes an indicated day: the week of June 3; Christmas week. 3.… …   Universalium

  • week — W1S1 [wi:k] n [: Old English; Origin: wicu] 1.) a period of seven days and nights, usually measured in Britain from Monday to Sunday and in the US from Sunday to Saturday once/twice/three times etc a week ▪ Letters were delivered twice a week… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • That Missing Week EP — is an EP by The Flashbulb.Track listing# That Missing Week 3:52 # That Missing Week (Alternate) 2:38 # Our Final Mourning 1:33 # Our Furry Past Life 2:36 # DIDJ PVC 1:31 # Time Ache Finale 4:11 # That Missing Week (Portable Dubstep Mix by The… …   Wikipedia

  • That's So Last Week — is a UK television panel game, on the subject of celebrity news, gossip and comment. Produced by ZigZag Productiong for Five, it is a comedy programme rather than a serious game show.That s So Last Week broadcast in 2005 on a 9 episode run.The… …   Wikipedia

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